Wednesday, June 6, 2007

tagged by mosup a long time ago

In the interest of writing *anything*, I have decided to do a meme. The rule is to say six weird things about yourself. I choose to ignore the rule about tagging six people to do the same, since I don't know any bloggers who are not already tagged or participating.

1. I seem to be shrinking. I started losing weight when I watched "Super Size Me" and stopped drinking sugar drinks, since I did not want to be a hummingbird. But that was a long time ago, and I continue to lose weight. I hope I don't have a tapeworm. More likely, my metabolism has changed, likely due to improved circumstances of life. I think that happiness is making me thin. (And yes, I know that males should never talk about weight loss.)

2. I almost never buy recorded music. I love music, and spend much of my life thinking about music. I enjoy listening to new music, especially obscure music, and I even write music. I subscribe to Rolling Stone. Yet I have bought more hymnals and sheet music than CDs. I sometimes request music as a gift, but people don't seem to know what to buy me. I probably come across as a snob. But truly, I am a cheap, ignorant musician (aside from what I can learn by reading).

3. I am not an insomniac, because I could sleep at almost any time. Naps work just fine when I try them. But I almost never go to bed when I should. I simply choose to stay up until I am absolutely exhausted.

4. I can change diapers really fast. Sometimes I time myself.

5. Certain rooms I keep messy as a barricade against visitors. I really want to keep these rooms to myself, so I make them unwelcoming. I started doing this long before I knew why I was doing it.

6. I like to end counted lists in the mode of The Count from Sesame Street. Six! Six weird things! Six! Ah! Ah! Ah!

My lunch today was two cheeseburgers made on our new but well-used gas grille. Perhaps one burger was too rare. Also, Diet Coke and many white round Tostito's corn chips. How many adjective does a chip really need?


MoSup said...

Yay! Good weird list! And I'm happy to hear that you do not want to be a hummingbird. Although, as far as birds go, they can do some pretty remarkable things.

MoSup said...

I nearly forgot! For breakfast I have half of a blueberry bagel with cream cheese from a spray can (it's pretty gross -- I don't recommend it) and coffee.

MoSup said...

Sid, I am so glad that you said what you did on my blog. I had no idea how to respond -- it seemed unbelievable to me that they would make comments like that to that blog post. Then again, I guess they proved my point.

For supper tonight I had a chicken and cheese sandwich on multi-grain bread, asparagus, milk, and coffee.

sid said...

Have you spent much time with Family Systems Theory? This is classic change-back behavior. People don't want us to grow or develop or change or escape the little boxes they have put us in, because they get anxious. Maybe they'll have to change too!

But grr. Sometimes you have to learn to be yourself, never mind the bloggers. And sometimes to be yourself means to be unhappy or cynical.

And *that* *is* *okay*. Other people are cranky all the time. Just because you haven't been cranky in the past doesn't mean you can't start.

I'm trying to learn to be a healthier person. And that includes letting myself be the whole person I am. And while I may not seem as perky as I used to, I have been growing happier.

Breakfast today was chocolate chip muffins from a mix, with a few leftover banana chunks that my son didn't want. Also, coffee.

MoSup said...

In growing healthier, has that also included crankier for you? That would be interesting if actually growing crankier produces more happiness. Tell me more.

For breakfast today I had two small cannolis, pineapple chunks, coffee, and pineapple orange juice. Take the gun, leave the cannoli!

sid said...

It's not that I am crankier, though the people around me may disagree. I am just becoming more willing to express my crankiness. That is, I'm more willing to be visibly cranky. And that, I think, is healthier for me.

Albeit perhaps less pleasant in the short term for the people who share my life.

But to be more fully my honest whole myself (with, of course, the retained intention for politeness, civility, awareness of context, etc.) is a good thing.

I used to wear masks pretty much all the time, to the point that even the people who knew me best never really felt like they knew me. Or I felt that they never really knew me. And that wasn't healthy. Or so my therapist told me.

Lunch today was a Culver's cheeseburger snack pack: fries, diet Coke and a cheeseburger with "everything" for $3.49 or something like that.

(By the way, I'm going on vacation to Texas for a little more than a week, so my internet access may be spotty for a while, starting tonight.)

MoSup said...

Hey Sid, thanks for your comment. The status update on the Certain Social Networking website is not as conclusive as it sounds. It's scaled back a level, if you know what I mean.