Friday, February 23, 2007


I recently hallucinated or read that scientists have finally discovered the purpose of the narwhal's horn. This unicorn of the sea does not use its long pointy appendage for combat. It's more like a giant whisker. Or antenna. The tusk is full of sensitive nerve endings that enable it to experience a world of sensation that no other creature is aware of.

What is it like to feel the pulsations of movement in the water so minutely that you can navigate towards or away from other creatures by sound? And what would it feel like to have a clear sense of temperature at any time, so that you could tell differential currents and levels of the water? Who knows what the experience is like? All we know is that the narwhal can sense things of which we have no idea. And this odd, unique tusk is the window to this world.

Today for lunch I had a board meeting, with chicken salad sandwich, coffee, creamy vegetable rice soup, yellow crusty cake with chocolate frosting and yellow filling, and water.


MoSup said...

Hi Sid! I love your blog! The title is fantastic! For lunch I had six Totino's pepperoni pizza rolls, cashews, milk, and hot chocolate.

sid said...

Thanks for the kind words. It's nice to have a visitor, and always nice to hear from you.

I haven't had Totino's pizza rolls for years. I used to eat boxfuls of those things when I was a teenager. Nowadays I stick to microwave burritos for that sort of craving, I guess.

sid said...

Some narwhal information can be found at this link.