Friday, November 9, 2007


Today the leaves have faded a bit. The other day they were yellow like banana peels. Today they are more like Post Toasties.

I made a point of walking a bit extra on my way to work. I parked in my usual place, but chose to walk all the way around the block instead of going directly in the door. And I enjoyed the weather.

It's a wellness thing.

For breakfast today my toddler Grant and I made muffins and cornbread. They tasted so good because they were made with pedagogy.


MoSup said...

Your last paragraph made me smile.

I'm jealous that you still have leaves on your trees. All we have is SNOW.

For lunch I had a chicken, tomato, and parmesan sandwich with dill pickle chips and a can of cola.

sid said...

The cooking made me smile, too.

We have had brief flurries of snow, but nothing anywhere near sticking.

In Texas my parents have temperatures in the high eighties all week.


Supper: A Made-Rite basket scavenged largely from other peoples' baskets that they didn't want parts of. I may never be fully accustomed to eating a loose meat sandwich.